“I’ve been ill for 37 years and last summer I had two operations. And I can’t be ill. I said to my husband ‘I can go for day surgery but I really have got to be out by the end of the day because I’ve got to get back home’. I can’t be staying in hospital, I can’t be staying ill. And that’s how it’s been since he was diagnosed.”
Thankfully we are able to support Susan. She comes along to one of our regular carer hubs to meet with other carers and get advice, we provide her with days out and breaks from caring, and she has used our emerging planning services so that she knows if she can’t be there, Alan will still be looked after.
It is your donations that make this possible.
How to make a donation
You can donate online today
You can give by post
Send a cheque and Caring Together donation form [Word, 70kB], if applicable, to:
Caring Together
L D H House
Parsons Green
St Ives
PE27 4AA
Please make cheques payable to ‘Caring Together Charity’.
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can boost the value of your donations at no cost to you. Print and complete our Caring Together Gift Aid declaration [Word, 70kB]
You can give directly into our bank account
Please pay your donation into our bank account and email [email protected] to say it’s coming so we know who it’s from,
Bank name: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Caring Together Charity
Sort code: 30-94-47
Account number: 26934760
Reference: Donation + your name
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your gift at no cost to you. Please complete our online Gift Aid form.
On behalf of every carer we support, thank you!