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Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Call for MPs’ support for Young Carers Action Day

Sir Ed Davey MP has set an Early Day Motion (EDM) for Young Carers Action Day. Please ask your MPs for your service, and/or your own MP, to sign the motion. MPs can sign anytime, including on or after Young Carers Action Day. If the MP cannot or will not sign the EDM, they can […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Young Carers Action Day – protecting young carers’ futures

Tuesday 16 March is Young Carers Action Day. And ahead of the day a survey and series of interviews have looked into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Between now and Young Carers Action Day we will be sharing interviews with young carers and young adult carers where they give their stories about the impact […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and influence decisions that affect you. We have everything from Mother’s Day activities, to advice to help […]