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Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


One-to-one support with your study or employment goals

If you are a young carer, Carers Trust are offering you the opportunity to receive one-to-one support with your studies or employment goals. These sessions are for young adult carers, aged  16 – 25, who would like support. You can be offered up to four one-hour sessions during August and September. The sessions are to […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Research into resilience in young adult carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Masters student at Manchester Metropolitan University is carrying out research investigating various factors that may affect resilience within young adult carers, and to see whether this has been impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can see full details and take part at https://mmu.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eM78rgT7zvZAwei The study is investigating young adult carers. Participants should be between […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]