Who are young carers?
A young carer is a young person, under the age of 18, who has a caring responsibility. This is usually for a family member who has a disability, long-term illness, mental illness (including depression, anxieties) or drug/alcohol substance misuse.
We support young carers across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk.
Upcoming events
See our upcoming events for young carers.
Young Carers Action Day raises awareness of young carers and the issues they face. Find out more about Young Carers Action Day.
How we can help you
We offer a range of support to young carers in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk which includes:
- Carer breaks – a number of ways of giving you a break from your caring role, including with other young carers.
- A specialist carer helpline that can give information and advice to you and your family about all the support available to you.
- Help with planning ahead.
- Carer Friendly Tick Award – supporting schools, colleges and other organisations to become more carer friendly.
- Young carer voice – giving you the opportunity to have your voices heard and listened to on a local, regional and national level.
- Providing information about bursaries and grants available to you or your family.
- Norfolk Young Carers Forum
You can find out more about what is available to you and young carers by calling our specialist carer advice line on 0345 241 0954 or you can email hello@caringtogether.org
Explore more about our activities and services below.
App for young carers
Young carers need proper support around them to make sure they’re able to care for their loved ones while taking care of their own physical and mental health, and working towards a bright and healthy future.
The Young Carers Support app enables young and young adult carers in the UK to find information and advice, self-help resources, wellbeing tips and activities, plus a catalogue of support services – all in one place.
A number of young carer organisations worked with Expert Self Care Ltd, to launch the Young Carers Support app which is free and available for any young carer, or professional working with young carers to download on both Android and iOS.
Caring Together, Centre 33, Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT), have worked together to compile localised information for young carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough which is now available on the app.
Learn more about the young carers App.
Young Carers Covenant
Caring Together Charity has signed up to the Young Carers Covenant. Find out more.
Find out more and to sign up to receive the latest information
You can simply call our specialist carer helpline on 0345 241 0954 or email hello@caringtogether.org
Useful information
- Young Carers Matter Norfolk – provide support to young carers and their families across Norfolk – Find out more about Young Carers Matter Norfolk
- Sources of support for young carers in Norfolk – download our guide to what is available [PDF, 625kB]
- Centre 33 – provides assessment and support to all young carers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – Find out more about Centre 33
- Sibs – Sibs is the UK charity for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults – Find out more about Sibs