Norfolk Young Carers Forum

Norfolk Young Carers Forum

Norfolk Young Carers Forum (NYCF) gives young carers and young adult carers the opportunity to raise awareness and make a difference about the issues that affect them and their families.

Are you a young carer or a young adult carer?
Do you live in Norfolk?
Do you want to help make things better for young carers and their families?

Then the Norfolk Young Carers Forum is for YOU!

There are lots of different ways for you to get involved:

  • James ITN Lunchtime news 20 December 2019County Forum where you can take a leading role in some of our biggest events and projects. You’ll get to meet and work with other young carers from across the county.
  • Opportunities to share your story and raise awareness of young carers through media opportunities.
  • Online forums and surveys.
  • Taking part in special events such as conferences and training for adults.
  • You can get involved as much or as little as you want.

As a Forum member you will have the opportunity to:

  • Have a break from your caring role.
  • Spend time with other young carers, creating a peer support network.
  • Take part in fun activities.
  • Receive free training to improve your skills and confidence.
  • Influence the direction of the Forum’s work.
  • Work with Norfolk County Council and other relevant organisations.
  • Help improve awareness of young carers and young adult carers throughout the county.
  • Discuss issues, such as education and health services, with the people who make decisions.
  • Take part in local and national initiatives – find out more.

For more information contact the team on [email protected]

Our projects

Here are some of the projects that members of Norfolk Young Carers Forum have been involved in:


  • Helping to organise annual Young Carers in Education Summits.
  • Working alongside their schools delivering assemblies and setting up groups.
  • We support NHS England with their Young Carer Health Champions Programme. Out of the Woods is a film that the Health Champions have produced.
  • Click here for Our Care, Our Lives video – Commissioned by NYCF.
  • Click here for Misunderstood video, produced by Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Young Carers (and featuring some members of NYCF).
  • Forum members have been interviewed for local and national media about issues facing young carers and their families. Contributing articles and pieces for BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 5 Live, First News, Eastern Daily Press.

Resources for young carers in Norfolk

Our Norfolk Young Carers Forum project worked with Norfolk County Council to produce a guide to young carers assessments which you can find here [PDF – 4MB]

You can download the young carer emergency planning template [Word – 53kB] for young carers in Norfolk by clicking here.

A guide to the sources of young carers’ support in Norfolk is available to download here [PDF 618kB]

NYCF Young Carers Friendly Tick Award

Forum members have created a quality standard for schools, colleges and universities, the ‘Young Carers Friendly Tick’ Award. Read more.

Page last modified: 3 July 2024

Norfolk Young Carers Forum

  • Since joining the forum, it has helped with my mental health and I have gained more confidence.

NYCF member