Sign up for the Free What If? Plan

Sign up for the Free What If? Plan

Carer's emergency cardThe What If? Plan is to help unpaid carers like you by providing emergency support to the person you care for, in the event of you being unable to care because of a sudden illness, accident or other unplanned event. If the person you look after lives in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough you can register for a free What If? Plan with us.

The service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year.

Register a What If PlanYou can register for a What If? Plan if:

  • the person you look after lives in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough
  • the person you look after is over 18*

* If you are a parent carer looking after someone who is under 18 you can register an emergency plan with us and in the case of an emergency we would contact your nominated contact(s) on your behalf.

What counts as an emergency?

An emergency counts as anything that you have not been able to plan for such as:

  • Sudden illness
  • Unplanned admission to hospital
  • Family emergency (e.g. close relative taken ill)
  • Risk to employment
  • Had an accident or car has broken down
  • Unable to care due to impact of caring on physical/mental wellbeing.

This is a free service funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, to look after adults with care needs during an emergency involving their family carer. This is done by getting in touch with your nominated contacts for you, with back-up support available, if essential.

See information about other emergency planning for carers.

Register your What If? Plan.

Page last modified: 7 March 2025

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