Domestic abuse and sexual violence advice and support for unpaid carers and cared for

Domestic abuse and sexual violence advice and support for unpaid carers and cared for

Domestic abuse and sexual violence word cloud
Is the person you look after hurting you?

If you are an unpaid carer, looking after a family member or friend with a disability or long-term illness, you could face physical, emotional or sexual abuse from the person you support.

Are you being hurt by the person looking after you?

If you are unwell, or have a disability, you may face abuse from the person looking after you.

There is help and support available.

Cycle of abuse

Cycle of abuse


Woman in 50sWhat to do in an emergency

In someone is in immediate danger call 999. If you can’t speak and are calling on a mobile, press 55 to have your call transferred to the police.

For other emergencies you can contact one of the national domestic abuse and sexual violence organisations listed below:

Refuge – 24-hour support
0808 2000 247

Men’s advice line
0808 801 0327

For non-emergency support, contact Caring Together Charity who ….

0345 241 0954
[email protected]

Leaving safely

You may be thinking about leaving your situation. We have listed some tips below for you to consider.

  • Only leave if it is safe.
  • Take your children with you.
  • Ensure you have money for public transport.
  • If you can’t use a mobile, find somewhere you can safely and quickly make calls from.
  • Take important documents such as passport, birth/marriage certificates, health records, court orders, and bank books.
  • Hide a small bag with spare house and car keys so you can go quickly.
  • Remember any essential medicines that you or your children need.
  • Never return to the home alone. Ask the police to accompany you.




Caring Together Charity is a member of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Partnership.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Partnership logo

This support is funded by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Cambridgeshire County Council



Page last modified: 3 March 2025