Adult carers

Caring Together provides expert support for carers across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk.

By speaking to one of carer advisors we can work with you to identify what support will be most beneficial to you and your family. You can call us on 0345 241 0954 Monday to Friday, email us at [email protected] or head to to let us know about your situation.

(Carers in Norfolk can contact our team who provide the Carers Matter Norfolk  advice line 0800 083 1148 or at [email protected])

We can help you with support such as:

  • Access to our specialist carer helpline on 0345 241 0954 or [email protected]
  • Information and advice including our FREE Caring magazine.
  • Our email newsletter for carers, those who support carers, and everyone who has an interest in ensuring carers of all ages are properly recognised and supported. You can sign up at
  • Supporting carers to plan ahead including emergency planning.
  • Breaks away from caring.
  • Caring learning opportunities to help support you in your role.
  • Carers hubs where you can have face-to-face support and meet other carers and other opportunities to talk to people, reducing the isolation many carers face.
  • Access to one-to-one support from one of carer advisers to reduce the impact of your caring role and make you feel more supported.
  • Family Carers’ Prescription.
  • Opportunities to have your voice heard.
  • Carer’s card to identify you as a carer.
  • Homecare.

If you are a carer aged 18-65 supporting someone with mental health issues in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, then Making Space are able to provide you with support.

Make a referral for a carer

We accept referrals for carers from professionals, family members, as well as self-referrals.

Please click here to refer an unpaid carer.

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.

Carers hubs

An opportunity for unpaid carers and their families to gain support and find out what is available to help them.

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Emergency planning

What if something happens to you, which means you are unable to look after your loved one?

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Sign up for the Free What If? Plan

Emergency planning for carers who look after someone living in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough.

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Carer’s card

A carer’s card is helpful for you to be identified a carer.

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Support after caring

Our support for you continues after your caring role comes to an end.

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Domestic abuse and sexual violence advice and support for unpaid carers and cared for

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