Now that Spring is here we can look forward to warmer weather and sunnier days, however as some of us start planning days out, holidays and time off, unpaid carers will struggle to have a break this summer.
When you are looking after someone, it can be really hard to find the time, money or opportunity to actually have a break from caring. That’s why we are so passionate about helping unpaid carers of all ages have some time off.
No one can care endlessly without a break, whether that is an afternoon out to enjoy a cream tea, a day at the seaside, or a relaxation session at one of our hubs. Children who are carers can miss out on the treats, trips out and fun that their school friends can take for granted. They may be needed at home to look after a parent, brother or sister. And the family may not be in a position to give the children a break because they are dealing with severe or terminal illness, or disabilities that make going out that much more difficult.
That’s why we provide much needed days out. But we can only do it with your help. We rely on donations to provide all our support and help for children who are carers. And much of our other work helping adults is also reliant on donations.
Could you help us make sure unpaid carers who give so much, can have a break this summer?
Every donation makes a difference!
£5 could help us buy a picnic lunch for a group of carers.
£10 could contribute to coach travel for a day out.
£20 could help cover entry costs to a zoo or park farm for young carers.
Please help us provide vital breaks and time off for carers of all ages this summer, and thank you in advance for your kind support. You can donate quickly and safely online using the button below or complete the form by clicking below and send a cheque to us in the post.
You can also sign up to receive our email newsletter, Inside News, which contains details about upcoming activities and days out. Sign up here for this and our free magazine.
If you would like to find out about our trips, activities and events visit our events page here. Young carers have to be registered with us before they can attend out days out, to register them please call us on 0345 241 0954.