Remember a loved one

Honour your loved one’s memory

Continue their story by coming together, sharing memories and raising funds.

Honour the memory of your loved one by supporting Caring Together, and help us to ensure that no unpaid carer is in crisis. We know that losing someone close to you can be incredibly difficult. Maybe even getting to this webpage was hard for you. But you are not alone. On this page, you’ll find different ways you can honour someone’s memory and support unpaid carers.

Find out more about how we can support you when your caring role has ended.


Create a Tribute Page

When we lose someone close, we cherish the memories we have shared.

We work in partnership MuchLoved, the UK’s leading in-memory platform, to provide a free tribute service where you can remember someone special, and fundraise in their memory.

It is a special online place to remember a loved one and celebrate their life. The page allows friends and family, wherever they are, to share memories and pay tribute to a precious person who has passed away. As well as sharing stories, you can post photos, light virtual candles and make donations in their memory.

Create a tribute

Your memory leaf

Keep memories of your loved one alive forever by creating a virtual memory leaf on Caring Together’s Memorial Tree.

It’s a special place for you to visit time and time again.

Create your leaf



Give in their memory

Remember someone special by donating to Caring Together in their name. We’d love to hear their story and what giving for them means to you. You can choose a one-off donation, make a regular gift, or use the online donation form to pay in a funeral collection.

These special donations will be used to support unpaid carers of all ages across our region. It is a way of making a positive difference at a time of sadness and grief.

Donate in memory

 Funeral collections

You may like to have a funeral collection for Caring Together, perhaps instead of donations of flowers. We can supply cards and envelopes to make it easier to collect your donations. Or, if you like, you can set up an online funeral collection in memory of your loved one.

You can return the envelopes and donations to us or ask your funeral director to do so.

Order collection envelopes


Fundraise for them

Host a music event, sign up for a run, or organise a raffle in memory of your loved one.

You could make it as unique as them, by choosing something you used to do together. We’ve got loads of suggestions, and our team will support you every step of the way.



Get in touch

If you have any questions, please do contact us. We are here to help. Please contact George on, or by phone on 0345 241 0954.