Please find below a list of documents produced by Caring Together (including our former charity names) which contain references to external sources and information.
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire Annual Report 2014-15
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire Annual Report 2013-14
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Information and advice for family carers booklet October 2015
1. In the UK, every day 6,000 people will start looking after someone close to them.
2. Carers save the economy £119 billion per year
3. Variety of information about benefits (page 9 onwards)
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire & Peterborough general information leaflet “Looking after someone?” – August 2014 V1.0
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire & Peterborough general information leaflet “Looking after someone?” – July 2015 V2.0
Carers Trust Norfolk general information leaflet “Looking after someone?” – November 2016 V1.0
1. In the UK, every day 6,000 people will start looking after someone close to them.
2. Many carers don’t recognise the effect caring has on their own lives. On average, this takes 2 years.
3. Three in five people will become a carer in their lifetime.
Carers Trust website – Key facts about carers
4. 10 steps to help you prepare to care.
Carers Week leaflet “Prepared to Care? 2014”
Carers Trust Cambridgeshire Newsletter Issue 22 Winter 2013-14
Page 3 Carers Week 2013 Survey Prepared to Care?
Caring Communities Project – Carer Friend Handbook
Page 3
1. Three in five people will become a carer in their lifetime.
Carers Trust website – Key facts about carers
Cambridgeshire Carers Magazine Issue 4
1. The UN states that almost 1700 million people are now over the age of 60, but by 2050 it is predicted to soar to 2 billion people, which is over 20% of the world’s population.
2. In May this year, Age UK highlighted the plight of a ‘hidden army’ of carers in their 80s, stating that 1 in 7 of the “oldest old”, an estimated 417,000, provide some sort of unpaid care, leaving many of them exhausted and worried about how long they could carry on.
3. The Care Act
4. A year on from the introduction of The Care Act, a review published by Carers Trust has found that the new act has made little or no difference to the 5.4 million carers in England.
5. In the 2011 census, it was estimated there were 60,000 people in Cambridgeshire doing some sort of unpaid care
6. Ahead of World Mental Health Day on 10 October
7. 40% of carers experience depression or other psychological problems, Guardian 2013
8. There are 700,000 young carers in the UK who work around the clock providing care and support to family and friends
9. Half of all mental health problems start before the age of 14, and it is estimated that in an average class of 30 15-year-old pupils, three could have a mental disorder
10. An estimated 70m people are affected by autism worldwide and 700,000 people live with it in the UK
11. Education, Health and Care Plan, which replaced the former Statement of Special Needs in September 2014
12. Young Carers Needs Assessment
13. There are 78,000 carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Census 2011
Cambridgeshire Carers Magazine Issue 5
1. Carers UK says that almost 1 in 3 (30%) carers had seen a drop of £20,000 or more a year in their household income as a result of caring.
Carers UK financial implications of being a carer.
2. Nearly 8 out of 10 families say caring for someone has had an impact on their finances.
Carers UK Carers Rights Guide 2016.
3. Research by Carers UK reveals that 8 out of 10 carers have felt lonely or isolated, and over half of carers (57%) stated that they have lost touch with family and friends as a result of their caring role, with half admitting to problems with their romantic relationships due to caring for their partner, another family member or friend.
Carers UK
4. The 2011 Census counted 100,229 residents aged 65 and over in Cambridgeshire, and we can expect to see the number of people that age grow by around a third over the next ten years, with a clear expectation that this will put pressure on services.
The Office for National Statistics–short-story.html
5. Cambridgeshire Insight, a shared research knowledge base for the Cambridgeshire area, states that the number of older people will grow faster than the population as a whole and have increasing levels of need.
Cambridgeshire’s Older People Strategy.
6. The over 65s are forecast to grow by almost 80% between 2013 and 2036, and within this the over 90s to grow by more than 250%, from 5,600 to 19,700, says Cambridgeshire Insight.
Cambridgeshire Insight – Future ageing population.
7. Did you know that since April 2015, you don’t have to phone your GP surgery to book an appointment?
NHS England Patient Online.
8. Half of Young Adult Carers in college or University are struggling because of their caring role.
Carers Trust
9. Young Adult Carers are four times more likely to have dropped out of college or universities than students without caring roles.
Carers Trust
10. 14% of young carers in school said they would not go to college or University because of their caring role.
Carers Trust
11. & 12. 24% of Young Adult Carers in school said they could not afford to go to college or University, while 41% are unsure.
Carers Trust
Cambridgeshire Carers Magazine Issue 6
1. Reference for Dementia Action Alliance link
2. Parkinson’s symptoms
3. NHS Continuing Healthcare
4. Vicki Keiller and Sunday Times
5. Parkinson’s UK report stating CHC funding fails the most vulnerable
6. CPFT press release
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 8
1 Yet almost three quarters of people nationally said they didn’t feel government valued their contribution and fewer than 1 in 6 said their contribution is well valued by health and care professionals.
Need to find source
3 The Care Act 2014 and what it means for you.
4 Carers UK facts and figures.
5 The UK has over 3 million working carers – that is 1 in 9 of the workforce juggling the responsibilities of caring and paid employment
6 Every year 2 million people become family carers, some overnight, some more gradually so there is a new population of family carers in the workplace every day.
7 Cambridgeshire one of the fastest growing counties
8 BackCare (the National Back Pain Assn) says that unpaid carers are a particularly at-risk group due to the physical and psychological factors involved and often present to healthcare services as secondary patients.
9 70% of unpaid carers already suffer from back pain.
10 back care tips from NHS Direct.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 9
1 6000 people of all ages become carers every day.
2 People are more conscious of care needs and costs. Only 21% of people believe they wont need residential social care in their old age (costing on average £31,200-£43,700pa.
Aegon 2017
3 There’s a huge gap in the workforce of people providing care, with 1.5 million working in care and 90,000 vacancies at any time (reducing carer choice).
Skills for Care 2017 The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England, 2017
4 People at or approaching retirement age are having to take on caring roles, involving progressive conditions such as dementia, when they have their own aspirations and age-related health conditions, such as arthritis.
Carers Trust 2016 Retirement on Hold
5 Yet family involvement in a person’s care is not seen as central, with less than a quarter of family carers (23%) reporting having had a social care assessment.
National Voices 2017
6 Social care workers saying that family and friends are being expected to provide more to “fill in” where care has been reduce.
Community Care 2017
7 The ‘cap on care fees’ and ‘dementia tax’ ideas were scrapped. A government Green Paper on social care will look for other options to be fairer in paying for care – an opportunity to get involved.
8 The UK has over 3 million working carers – that is 1 in 9 of the workforce juggling the responsibilities of caring and paid employment.
9 Every year 2 million people become family carers, some overnight, some more gradually so there is a new population of family carers in the workplace every day.
10-11 Carers and Volunteers contribute more than £155 billion to the economy each year.
10 There were around 15 million regular formal volunteers in 2012/13 and their contribution to the UK economy was estimated to be £23.9bn, or 1.5% of total GDP, by the ONS £23.9bn. and Office for National Statistics. 2013. Valuing voluntary activity in the UK
12 According to the 2011 Census it is thought that there are around 10,000 Infant Carers, aged 5 to 8 in England and Wales.
2011 Census.
13 Findings from Eddie’s research mentioned throughout the article.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 11
1 By 2037 there will be nine millions carers in the UK
2 Three out of four carers saying they were not prepared for caring
Carers Week (2012), Prepared to Care
3 Over half of carers (54%) also reported that they have reduced the amount of exercise they take because of caring and 45% reported that they have found it difficult to maintain a balanced diet. 7 in 10 carers (69%) said they find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep because of their caring role
Carers UK (2017) State of Caring Report 2017
4 3 in 5 carers have a long term health condition, this compares with half of non-carers. This pattern is even more pronounced for younger adults providing care – 40% of carers aged 18-24 have a long term health condition compared with 29% of non-carers in the same age group
NHS England GP Patient Survey 2016
5 Half (50%) of carers said their mental health has got worse as a result of caring
Carers Week (2016), Building Carers Friendly Communities
6 8 out of 10 people (78%) said they feel more stressed because of their caring role, and 7 out of 10 (72%) said caring has made them feel more anxious
Carers UK (2017) State of Caring Report 2017
7 2 in 5 carers who hadn’t received any information or training on keeping well reported injuring themselves physically through caring
Carers Week (2016), Building Carers Friendly Communities
8 Carers who had felt lonely or isolated were almost twice as likely to report worsened mental (77%) and physical (67%) health
Carers UK (2017) State of Caring Report 2017
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 12
1 The research showed that only 52% of family carers had pointed friends or family in the right direction for support with caring
Carers UK – Make connections, get support, 23 November 2017
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 13
1 Carers Trust young carers research
Carers Trust
2 75% of young carers also say that they feel isolated and lonely during the school holidays
Action for Children – Three quarters of young carers feel lonely during summer holidays – August 2018
3 57% of young carers worry about talking about what they did in the holidays when back at school
Action for Children – Three quarters of young carers feel lonely during summer holidays – August 2018
4 BBC News article
5 8 out of ten people who are caring for loved ones reporting to have felt lonely or isolated
The world shrinks: carer loneliness – research report; Carers UK 2017
6 Family carers of all ages can feel the financial and practical pressures of winter, with young carers hit particularly hard, reporting to find Christmas day “tougher” or “sadder” than the rest of the year
No more lonely Christmases; Family Action 2013
7 Mental health problems affect one in four of us
8 68.8% of older carers say that being a carer has an adverse effect on their mental health
9 45% of young adult carers reported that they have mental health problems
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Magazine Issue 15
1 More than 600 people give up work to care every day
Carers UK –
Should you require more information on any source, please email us or telephone 01480 499090 and ask to speak to a member of the Fundraising & Engagement team.