Pride in Our Carers Awards 2018 – Nominate Now in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough & Norfolk

12th March 18


Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk is delighted to announce the launch of Pride in Our Carers Awards 2018 – and invites nominations to honour family carers and carer friendly professionals and organisations that go the extra mile.

For the third year running we are celebrating the fantastic work of countless unpaid carers of all ages in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  This year we are opening up the nominations to include Norfolk to allow those family carers we work with, a chance to say ‘Thank You’ too.

The results will be announced at a ceremony in Peterborough on Wednesday, 13 June during national Carers Week 2018 (11-17 June).  This will be run in partnership with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council.

Miriam Martin, CEO of Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate family carers of all ages, who have a dedicated caring role without receiving any recognition for what they do.  This is a chance for the community to show their appreciation for them, as well as acknowledge the carer friendly GP practices, health and social care professionals, teachers, community organisations and businesses that support family carers.

“Our first ever Pride in Our Carers Awards was held in 2016 and was a great success.  Anyone who was there or at the event in 2017 would have found it a very humbling and moving experience.

“We want these Awards to inspire individuals, organisations and business to find out more and understand how they can better support these unsung heroes.”

The deadline for nominations is midnight on Sunday 22 April 2018.  Nominations will be judged by an independent panel of family carers and professionals.

Who can I nominate?

The simple answer is any informal care givers of any age or community groups, organisations and businesses (or people in them) who have made a difference to family carers in their community.  The Awards particularly want to recognise organisations and individuals who are carer friendly and regularly lead by example in their support for carers.

What are the categories?

  • Family Carer of the Year
  • Young Carer/Young Adult Carer of the Year
  • Carer Friendly Employer of the Year
  • Carer Friendly School/College of the Year
  • Carer Friendly Social Care
  • Carer Friendly Health Care
  • Carer Friendly Voluntary Organisation
  • Outstanding Contribution to Carers
  • Special Recognition

How do I nominate?

To complete a form online go to:

Download the form and send it to us via email or post.

Alternatively phone 01480 499090, or email to request a form.

Three out of five people will be a carer at some point in their lives.  There are over 78,000 family carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and 100,000 family carers in Norfolk.  In the UK there are over 6.5 million family carers.

Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk supports adult carers in by providing Carer’s Assessments, Family Carer’s Prescriptions, the What If Plan? for emergency care planning, information, advice and guidance, respite care, groups and peer support.  It supports young carers and young adult carers aged from 5-25, arranging trips and activities to give them a break from caring and helping them through education and into employment.


Below: Last year’s winners and shortlisted nominees