Prof David Croisdale-Appleby OBE, one of the UK’s leading experts on social care, visited Carers Trust Cambridgeshire in St Ives to share his expert knowledge on the future needs of carers.
He was invited by Dr Helen Brown, Chief Executive of Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk. Dr Brown is a member of the government’s Standing Commission on Carers, an independent advisory body providing expert advice to ministers, of which Prof Croisdale-Appleby is the Executive Chairman.
Dr Brown said: “I was delighted to welcome David to St Ives as our Standing Commission on Carers’ discussions are usually held in London. His visit enabled carers, colleagues and partners to benefit from his extensive knowledge and expertise, with a focus on the work we are doing to support carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”
Prof Croisdale-Appleby, who holds many high ranking positions with a wide range of public and voluntary sector organisations, including Chair of Dementia UK and Chair of Hft, formerly known as Home Farm Trust, a national charity providing local support to people with learning disabilities, their families and carer. He is actively involved in policy formulation in health and social care in the UK and was awarded the OBE for his work for social justice. He also holds Honorary Degrees from a number of Universities for his work in health and social policy.
Prof Croisdale-Appleby said:
“I was hugely impressed with the work being undertaken at Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, which is at the cutting edge of innovation in carer services and support. What I found particularly exciting was the generation of evidence of impact and sustainability in everything they do.”