Thirty-eight young carers, aged 8-16, supported by us had an unforgettable afternoon of respite and fun at the kind invitation of Lady De Ramsey who gave them the use of her stunning gardens on Tuesday, 1 August.
For the fourth year running Lady De Ramsey generously invited our young carers to use the indoor heated pool at her home, Abbotts Ripton Hall, Huntingdon, and play games on her lawns, including rounders and football. Young carers also enjoyed a bouncy castle, face painting and giant Jenga and Connect4.
The garden party is one of a number of summer events planned for young carers during the school holidays to give them a break from their caring roles.
Lady De Ramsey paid a warm tribute to the young carers she hosted, saying:
“I love being able to host Carers Trust Cambridgeshire’s Young Carers’ summer outing programme. It is a privilege meeting these truly remarkable young people who have in many ways given up their childhood to care for a member of their family. It is a joy watching them have fun, make new friends and spend the day being children.”
Alice Boon, Young Carers Senior Support Co-ordinator, said the young carers had all had a brilliant day, and thanked Lady De Ramsey for her generous support.
“The garden party has become a highlight of the year for our young carers who can just be themselves and enjoy being a child having fun. We are immensely grateful to Lady De Ramsey for her very generous support and understanding about the lives of young carers.”
If you are a young carer and would like to know more about our summer programme, please contact Alice Boon on 01480 499090.
Not sure if you are a young carer or not? Do any of the following apply to you?
- Have a relative, including siblings, who are disabled, ill or injured, meaning that you have to care extra for them?
- Do chores for a relative, such as cleaning, because they are unable to?
- Live with a relative who misuses substances?
- Live with a relative who has issues with their emotional well being?
- Struggle to attend school or college regularly?
- Help look after someone which means that you can’t spend time with your friends or get your homework done?