Cambridgeshire County Council wants to make sure that they provide overnight support for children with disabilities in the way that best meets the needs and wishes of families, children and young people. Currently this is mostly provided outside the child’s family home in residential services or with Link foster carers.
They are seeking views from parents and carers on how best to deliver overnight support in the future by holding two parent and carers discussion groups in April as well as inviting people to complete an online survey which closes on 2 May.
- 29 April, 10am to 1pm – Orchard Park Community Centre, Cambridge
- 30 April, 10am to 1pm – Wisbech Library
To book a place, email [email protected] or phone 01223 699041. The groups will be led by Pinpoint and staff from Disabled Children’s Social Care and health. The group will be for parents and carers to share their views and experiences of overnight support but also to think and plan together about how best to meet needs going forward. Refreshments and a sandwich lunch will be provided.