Share your story

Share your story

Sharing your own caring experiences can help those also caring for a loved one and also help us spread awareness of what it means to be a carer.

If you would like to share your caring story, please click the button below.

Please find the information below which explains how we use your stories to help raise awareness of caring.

How will your story be used?

Here are some of the ways your story could be used:

On our website
We might include your story on our Stories page. These stories are linked across our website to highlight the issues of caring and what it means to be a carer.

We link the story on a variety of our webpages to help explain the caring and in some cases the support we provide or the work we do. We also include these stories in our email newsletter and Caring magazine.

In these cases, people are happy for us to use their name and include some photos of themselves and the person they care for. A photo says a thousand words!

On our social media

When we read a story and find a key phrase we think explains caring experiences, we like to share this via our social media channels. This can include Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and the posts are often anonymous. We would often include a link to a particular webpage of our website, which could be your story on the site.

In the media
We are frequently contacted by journalists and asked to identify people who are prepared to share their story in the media. This could include local and national newspapers, a magazine, television or radio station. Often it is because they want a real-life story to illustrate a bigger issue with caring – such as national events (e.g. Carers Week, Carers Rights Day).

When this occurs the journalist will often have a specific requirement about who they would like to speak to for the media piece. It may be they are looking for people in a particular age group or in a specific caring situation. A member of Caring Together will get in touch with people who may be suitable for this opportunity or promote for people to get in touch with us via our social media channels.

Do I need to include a photo?

This is entirely your decision.

We are more likely to feature stories on our website and social media if a photo is included. Photos help the reader to relate to the story and your situation. If you would prefer not to include a photo, that is completely fine. We can still use your story or quotes on our website and social media channels, as well as other publications.

The photo can be of just you, or of you and the person you care for. It could be a group photo or of a place related to the story.

If you agree to share your story with the media, they may ask you to provide a suitable photo or arrange a photographer to take one.

If you provide a photograph, please complete our Caring Together photo and story consent [Word, 0.98MB].

What happens after you submit your story?

  • Anonymous phrases – If we use phrases from your story on our website or social media channels with no name, then there is nothing you need to do other than submit your story.
  • Published stories – If we decide to publish your story on our website, along with your name and photos, we will always get in touch to let you know and make sure you are happy for it to be used. We also might wish to include your story in our email newsletters and/or Caring magazine. We will get in touch with you to discuss this.
  • Sharing with the media – If you have indicated that you are interested in sharing your story with the media, we will get in touch if a suitable opportunity arises. We will talk to you about the media opportunity, what it involves and answer any questions you may have before you decide to take part. We will not give your contact details to the media.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Communicatons at [email protected].

Page last modified: 27 June 2024