Customer service / administration volunteer

Customer service / administration volunteer

Volunteer to help us support more carers through our customer service team

We are looking for a volunteer to play an essential role as part of our customer service team. You will provide support for our team to increase our capacity to help people looking after a family member or friend with their needs. You role in providing administrative support helps our team of staff be more focused on answering calls and helping people with their queries.

We are looking for someone like you if you can provide administration support such as electronically entering referrals on our systems and helping with anything ad hoc that may come up. You may also be helping with answering calls to our phoneline if it is a busy time, to ensure call is answered.

Three in five of us will become a carer at some point in our life. Caring Together is an ambitious regional charity that provides emotional and practical support, advice and guidance to carers of all ages and their families, as well as opportunities to take a break from their caring role.

You can find out more about this role by downloading the full role description: Customer service admin volunteer – role description – May 2023 [PDF, 87kB]

Want to know more

For full details of the volunteering role and about our application process please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator by calling 07843 327485 or email [email protected]

Page last modified: 10 March 2025