The Mental Capacity Act online workshop – Overview for carers and parent carers

Start date: 08.05.25 at 10.00am
End date: 08.05.25 at 12.00pm

The Mental Capacity Act online workshop – Overview for carers and parent carers

Welcome to our online workshop where we will provide you with an overview of The Mental Capacity Act. This session is tailored for carers and parent carers who want to understand more about this important legislation.

Join us to learn about the key principles, how it may affect you and your loved ones, and what rights and responsibilities you have under the act. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and ask any questions you may have.

Register below now to secure your place! Alternatively please call 0345 241 0954 or email [email protected], for details on how to join the session.

Supported by Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and the National Lottery Community Fund.