Parent carers hub

Parent carer hub

19 November 2021

Are you caring for a teenager or young adult with complex needs? Come along to our parent carer hub to meet other families who are caring for a teenager or young adult with learning disabilities and/or health needs. Find out information and guidance on transition to adult services, and signposting to services and organisations which […]

Carer workshop

Parent carer workshop via Zoom

29 December 2021

Are you caring for a teenager or young adult with complex needs? Join us at our online parent carer workshop on direct payments, personal health budgets and individual service funds. Please call 0345 241 0954 or email, for details on how to join the sessions. For more information on carers hubs click here. Carers hubs […]

Young carers and young adult carers event

Chat and chill (young carers aged between 7-11)

17 January 2022

Join us online for a chat and chill. We can play games, watch YouTube clips, make new friends, or just chat and catch up for the hour. To sign up for the sessions: If you are in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough email or call 0345 241 0954 If you are in Norfolk email or call 07843 329674 Please […]

Adult carer workshop with Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer’s Society local support overview and Q&A

16 February 2022

Join us for an online session with the Alzheimer’s Society. This is your chance to ask about and share tips and strategies for caring for someone with memory difficulties and/or Dementia, as well as learn about local support across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough from the Alzheimer’s Society. Click here to book your free place via Eventbrite.

Carer workshop on first steps to caring

Caring – first steps

28 March 2022

Workshop providing an overview of useful information for carers at the beginning of their caring journey. Sessions Am I a carer, Jargon busting Who’s who – statutory & voluntary services Daily caring (medication, moving, assisting and falls, continence, managing the night time, emotions and behaviours) Community support Emergency planning​ A free light lunch will also […]


Paddleboarding at Adventure Rutland

19 April 2022

Join us at Adventure Rutland and learn how to paddleboard!! You will get very wet, so bring along spare clothes and shoes. Spaces are limited, so book early. To sign up for the sessions: If you are in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough email or call 0345 241 0954 If you are in Norfolk email or call 07843 329674 […]

Adult Carer First Aid Session

Virtual basic First Aid session

27 July 2022

The British Red Cross will be delivering a Basic First Aid session with useful tips for a range of situations. Please call 0345 241 0954 or email, for details on how to join the session. Click here to book your free place.  For more information on carers hubs click here. Carers hubs are supported […]

Caring my steps workshop

Caring – My steps

10 August 2022

A free workshop focused on you as a carer and looking after your own health and wellbeing. Topics include: maintaining your physical health tips for sleep looking after your mental health tips for managing stress mindfulness practice, taking time for me and personal goal setting. This will be an interactive and relaxed session with lots […]

Young carer activity

Activity for secondary school aged young carers

30 September 2022

Join us for a monthly workshop/activities at a venue in Peterborough. Each month secondary school aged young carers will get the opportunity to have their say on what activities they would like to see and take part in. Light refreshments will be provided. To sign up for the session email or call 0345 241 0954 Please […]

Huntingdon carers hub

Huntingdon carers hub – Celebrating Christmas

4 November 2022

Join us for a chat and cuppa with others in a similar situation. Please call 0345 241 0954 or email, for details on how to join the session. For more information on carers hubs click here. Carers hubs are supported by the National Lottery Community Fund and supported by Carers Trust with funding from […]