Adult carer online session vegan cookery

Adult carer online session – Vegan cookery on a budget with Vegetarian for Life

1 April 2023

Are you caring for a family member and would like some ideas on how to cook nutritionally balanced vegan cookery on a budget? Come and join Ollie from Vegetarian for Life who will be sharing great ideas for you and your partner to eat well with easy, delicious meals Click here to book your free […]

Shelford Carers Hub

Shelford carers hub and Buckles Solicitors

29 March 2022

A talk from Vicky Tassell at Buckles Solicitors. Opportunity for adult carers and the people they care for to meet with others in a similar situation and share stories and experiences. Please call 0345 241 0954 or email [email protected], for details on how to join the session. For more information on carers hubs click here. […]

Carer workshop Welfare Benefits Review

Online carer workshop – Welfare benefits overview

26 June 2023

Join us for an online talk from Anjela Jones, Welfare Benefits Advice Team Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council. She will be giving an overview of benefits for carers and the people they support with the chance to ask individual questions. Click here to book your place Or call 0345 241 0954 or email [email protected] For more […]

Adult carer hub Huntingdon

Huntingdon carers hub and After Umbrage

29 March 2022

Coffee and catch up session for information and peer support and a talk from After Umbrage, who provide free breaks for carers. Please call 0345 241 0954 or email [email protected], for details on how to join the session. For more information on carers hubs click here. Carers hubs are supported by the National Lottery Community […]

Parent carer workshop - Mental Capacity Act

Parent carer online workshop – Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

22 August 2023

Parent carers often tell us that they would like to know more about the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and how this may affect their young person or in their role as a parent caring for an adult. This workshop will give you all the information you need and an opportunity to ask Q&A to clarify […]

Healthy You Looking After Yourself online workshop

Healthy You – Looking after yourself

7 April 2022

Sue Mayes, Carer Health Trainer, Healthy You will be delivering a talk on their services and the small but effective changes you can make that will help to keep you healthy. Please note that if you are unable to make this date, we will be holding the workshop again on 13 July, 2.00pm – 3.00pm. […]

Parent carer workshop - protecting your family's future

Parent carer online workshop – planning for and protecting your family’s future

15 September 2023

Caring Together welcome W&P Legal to deliver a workshop for parents carers – planning for and protecting your family’s future. Loving Legacies is an arm of W&P Legal focussing on supporting and offering legal advice to vulnerable adults, young people, children and families with future planning and protection. The workshop will include advice on: Wills […]