Are you an unpaid carer?

Are you an unpaid carer?

If you look after, or provide support to, a family member, partner or friend because of their physical or mental health, then you are an unpaid carer. Three in four people who are looking after someone don’t realise they’re an unpaid carer.

We are here to ensure that no unpaid carer is left in crisis, isolated, or struggling alone. And it’s always best to get help early on.


Ask for support
Fill out our simple form and we’ll ensure you get the right help for you.

The information you need
You can read our free information to help you in your caring role.

Speak to us now
If you need to talk now, call our advice line 0345 241 0954, or email us.

Could this be you?

Sometimes carers support someone for 40 or more hours a week. Other times it’s a few hours of their time regularly. No matter what the circumstances are, anyone looking after someone due to long-term illness or disability without pay, is an unpaid carer.

We spoke to Alison, who shared her experiences on what it’s like for her being an unpaid carer.

Like Alison, there are thousands of unpaid carers reaching crisis point, not knowing there’s help out there. We’re here to continue to be there for people like Alison, to ensure that every unpaid carer has somewhere to turn.

How we help

In 2023, we supported over 26,800 unpaid carers across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk through:

We know that across our region 150,000 people already identify as an unpaid carer, but that there are many more people who don’t realise they’re an unpaid carer. We want to ensure that we are reaching everyone who needs us – well before they feel unable to cope.

Ask for support
Fill out our simple form and we’ll ensure you get the right help for you.

The information you need
You can read our free information to help you in your caring role.

Speak to us now
If you need to talk now, call our advice line 0345 241 0954, or email us.

Page last modified: 10 September 2024