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Blood cancer research

Experiences of people from ethnic minority communities with a blood cancer diagnosis

6 August 2021

ClearView Research are carrying out a research project with Blood Cancer Alliance to gather insights about the lived experiences of people from ethnic minority communities who have or have had a blood cancer diagnosis. The insights they gather from this survey and their exploration lab discussions will be valuable in helping them work with key […]

Carers UK Logo

State of caring 2021 – give your views and experiences

4 August 2021

Carers UK have launched their State of Caring survey 2021 and are inviting everyone looking after a family member or friend to take part. The survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers and many professionals who work with carers find the results provide a useful evidence base for […]

Kings College London logo

Online study investigating resilience in carers

4 August 2021

Researchers at Kings College London are looking for people who provide care or support to family, friends or neighbours to take part in an online study into carers’ resilience. They want to hear from carers varied backgrounds and who are caring for people with a variety of physical or mental health conditions. You choose to […]

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire logo

Could you help improve how services work for local people?

4 August 2021

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire are looking for people to be part of a small team listening to the views of local people and making recommendations on how to improve care. You’ll be paid an involvement fee of £75 per half day for the time you give. Local NHS and care services want to recruit ten people across […]

Young adult carer thinking

Research into resilience in young adult carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

26 July 2021

A Masters student at Manchester Metropolitan University is carrying out research investigating various factors that may affect resilience within young adult carers, and to see whether this has been impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can see full details and take part at https://mmu.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eM78rgT7zvZAwei The study is investigating young adult carers. Participants should be between […]

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Your views on challenging decisions about adult social care

20 July 2021

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have launched an inquiry into how older and disabled adults and unpaid carers can challenge local council decisions about social care and support in England and Wales. They’ve launched a survey to hear from those affected by the issues covered by their inquiry. You can complete their survey to help […]


Adult carer learning focus group – have your say

8 July 2021

At Caring Together, we are currently developing some learning sessions for adult carers that we want to be available to carers later this year and we’d like you to help us by sharing your feedback. We have together the materials and we really want to run them past current and past carers to get their […]

Carer voice and involvement plan logo

Carer voice and involvement plan launched

2 July 2021

At Caring Together, we believe that carers really are the experts when it comes to issues affecting them and those they care for, and so we are committed they should be at the heart of all that we do. And that is why we have launched a new carer voice and involvement plan. This is […]


Research study – carers of someone with Motor Neurone Disease

30 June 2021

A research study is being conducted by researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) into the wellbeing of carers, who look after a family or friend with Motor Neurone Disease. They are looking to understand what certain family factors may contribute to the carer’s wellbeing, such as family values and personal relationships and potential […]


UEA research for carers – looking for participants

29 June 2021

Research at the University of East Anglia (UEA) is being conducted into the experiences of carers looking after a family member of friend, supporting someone with swallowing difficulties and dementia to drink well. This research project is being overseen the School of Health Sciences at UEA. They are recruiting participants to share your views and […]