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Championing Access event Thursday 7 July

Championing access – help improve health and care services

14 June 2022

You are invited to the Healthwatch in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s health and care summit event this summer. The free event is on Thursday 7 July, 10.00am to 3.00pm at the KingsGate Centre, 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, Peterborough, PE1 4YT This year the spotlight is on equal access to health and care services and on the big […]


Do you want to help inform how carers are supported in the future?

13 June 2022

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council are refreshing the county’s all-age carers strategy, which looks at what support unpaid carers need. They are really keen for carers to be at the heart of this process. If you would like to be involved with helping them with this, they have an online co-production workshop on […]

Family support

Do you support a family member living at home with dementia?

10 June 2022

Researchers at the University of Manchester are keen to hear your experiences of supporting a family member during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are inviting you to take part in an anonymous survey which can be sent to you through the post or it can be completed online. If you are interested in taking part in […]

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG Logo

Do you work with people experiencing dementia symptoms and their families/carers?

27 May 2022

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) are keen to hear your views on what stops people with dementia symptom accessing Memory Assessment Services. The CCG are working with The Behavioural Insights Team to explore how they can improve access to Memory Assessment Services. Your feedback will help develop solutions so that more people can […]

Carers Week logo

Carers – join the call for the Government to publish a support plan for unpaid carers

24 May 2022

With Carers Week on the way from 6 – 12 June, Carers UK and six other UK national charities (Age UK, Carers Trust, MND Association, Rethink Mental Illness, Oxfam GB and The Lewy Body Society), are calling for the UK Government to publish a recovery and respite plan for unpaid carers. They want this to […]

Share your views

Important opportunities to give your views

9 May 2022

At Caring Together we work to ensure the existing rights of carers are recognised and acted on, and to bring carers rights and support in line with the realities of carers needs. There are currently three important consultations underway: – The Children’s Commissioner for England’s Family Review – The House of Lords Adult Social Care […]

Adult Carer at Huntingdon Carer Hub

Could you share your story of caring?

5 May 2022

Would you be willing to appear in a video talking about your experiences as a carer? The NHS foundation trust that runs Peterborough City Hospital, Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Stamford and Rutland Hospital would like to produce a video to raise awareness of the role of carers with staff. They plan to use the video during […]

What do health professionals need to know about carers?

Have your say – what do health professionals need to know about carers?

13 April 2022

At Caring Together, we are putting together new resources and carer awareness-raising sessions for health professionals such as hospital staff, mental health workers, and GPs, so we want to carers to help us. We want to know from carers what they think health professionals need to know when it comes to carers. We also want […]

CUH logo

Are you interested in sharing your views on how Cambridge University Hospitals supports unpaid carers?

7 April 2022

You are invited to join the Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) Carers’ Working Group which meets online via Zoom every other month, for an hour between 9.00am and 5.00pm. The group which consists of CUH staff (some of whom are also carers, representatives from carers’ support organisation such as Caring Together, and carers. You will have […]

NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Council

Be a part of research and join online information sessions

15 March 2022

Are you interested in being a part of research? NIHR Cambridge BRC  has the following free online information sessions and webinar for patients, carers and members of the public. Turning Science into Medicine! (webinar) – Thursday 31 March, 7.30pm to 8.45pm Can gene therapy reverse hereditary blindness? Can a drug used for cancer help heart-attack […]