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University of Surrey logo

Give your views – palliative care needs

21 October 2020

The University of Surrey is carrying out research which aims to improve the support for older people living with severe frailty and their families. The focus of the research is on those who have complex care needs and who depend on other people in order to live their daily lives, to enable them to have […]


Could you be a patient partner as part of a focus group

1 October 2020

The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust which runs Peterborough City Hospital, Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Stamford and Rutland Hospital is looking patient partners to contribute and attend a focus group. The role of the focus group The Board of North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust are responsible for all aspects of the leadership of the […]


Carers UK survey for carers – understanding pandemic impact

14 September 2020

Carers UK have launched a new survey for carers to help understand how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the lives of those who are caring for a family member or friend. Carers’ experiences offer vital evidence to understand what support carers need. The survey’s results will be used by Carers UK to influence Government […]

University of Kent logo

Call for research participants – dementia care

9 September 2020

Researchers from the University of Kent are looking for study participants to help them to understand how well social care services support people living with dementia and their family and friends, who support them. Who is the research for? People living in England who are a family member or friend of someone living with dementia, […]

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire logo2

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire want to hear about your experiences

13 August 2020

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire are wanting to hear the views of carers and the people they look after on their experiences of health and social care during the coronavirus crisis. They will share what you tell them with the people planning the local and national response to the pandemic. And this will help them protect everyone’s health […]


Carers and others in Norfolk asked for views on initiative

12 August 2020

The national Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) initiative has launched in Norfolk in March 2020, just before the UK went into lockdown due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. And now people including carers and the people they look after are being asked for ideas on how to make more people aware of […]


Help input on children and young people’s health services website

29 July 2020

Children and Young People’s Health Services Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are about to redesign their health child programme website. They would love parents, carers and young people to help them co-design it to make it relevant so that it means something to them.  What they would like views on at this time is the content for […]

Carers UK Logo

A right to Carer’s Leave – help make the case to Government

24 July 2020

A right to carer’s leave is an issue that Carers UK has campaigned on for a long time. Thanks to the help of its supporters and campaigns, and the work of other organisations in raising this issue, the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is currently consulting on a proposal to give employees a […]


Survey for people who care for people with dementia

23 July 2020

A survey is being carried out to get feedback from carers on the impact that legal issues are having on carers of people with dementia at this current time. We have been contacted by tide who have asked us to encourage people who are looking after someone with dementia to complete the survey. The survey […]

University of Kent logo

University of Kent research – People with Dementia and their carers

7 July 2020

Researchers from the University of Kent are looking for study participants to help them to understand how well social care services support people living with dementia and their family and friends, who support them. (IRAS ID: 260302) This research will see those taking part filling in a questionnaire. Who do they need? People living in […]