Carers Directory

The directory combines information about organisations that can provide support to carers locally in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk, regionally and nationally.

If you know of an organisation, or run a group, which would be of interest to carers that is not represented in this directory you can add the details here.


209/211 City Road, London, EC1V 1JN, United Kingdom

Cottenham Library – Cambridgeshire Libraries

Cottenham Library

Margett Street, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, CB24 8QY

0345 045 5225

Creative Arts East

Creative Socials and Afternoon Events

Dragon Hall, 115-123 King Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1QE, United Kingdom

Cross Keys Care


Shrewsbury Avenue, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 7BZ, United Kingdom

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care

0808 808 1677

Cuppa Care Bus

Hear for Norfolk, 14 Meridian Way, Meridian Business Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0TA, United Kingdom

Day One Trauma Support

Room LGI 12/0B017, Brotherton Wing, Leeds General Infirmary , Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 3EX, United Kingdom

0333 034 2107

Deafblind UK

National Centre for Deafblindness, 19 Paston Ridings, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE4 7UP, United Kingdom

01733 358 100

Dementia Adventure

Dementia training, supported holidays and outings

Unit 11, Old Park Farm, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 1LN, United Kingdom

Dementia Carers Count

Dementia Carers Count

7-14 Great Dover Street, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR

020 3096 7895

Dementia Community Group

Huntingdon Library, Princes Street, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 3PA, United Kingdom

0345 045 5225

Dementia UK

Dementia UK

7th Floor, One Aldgate, London, EC3N 1RE

020 8036 5400

If you know of an organisation, or run a group, which would be of interest to carers that is not represented in this directory you can add the details here.

If you are aware of an amendment or an update that is needed please email [email protected]

While every effort is made to ensure that information is correct at the time that the directory is compiled we realise that some information will inevitably change, we will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of using any information in this directory.

Caring Together Charity is not responsible for claims brought by third parties arising from its use. We assume no responsibility for the contents of linked websites. The inclusion of any link should not be taken as endorsement of any kind of the linked website.

This directory has been produced by Caring Together Charity on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council.