If you are looking after someone, your caring role can make it harder to get out and meet up with people in ways you may have used to. It’s easy to become isolated and lonely.
Caring Together’s Norfolk Befriending Service can help you. It is available to unpaid carers living in Norfolk who are aged 18 years and over.
Volunteers are matched with unpaid carers to visit them or the person they care for at home. Befrienders can also help carers use services in the community such as the library, or have a break to get a haircut. Or they can give practical help such as gardening or shopping.
Any carer looking after someone can be referred if the person who would like befriending is able to manage well day-to-day, is interested in building a friendly relationship with a new person, and would benefit from company and conversation.
Please note, Norfolk the Befriending Service is not a sitting service or replacement for paid care. Our volunteers cannot assist with mobility, personal care or with administering medication and all referrals will be subject to assessment and evaluation of risk.
If you are able to give some time to help carers, or know an unpaid carer who would benefit from receiving this service, please contact
the team for more information. Call 0345 241 0954 or email [email protected]
Thanks to The Earl of Northampton’s Charity, via their sole Trustee, The Mercers’ Company, for supporting this project.