A personalised free one-to-one travel training programme for your home to school/college journey, which develops independent skills, Problem solving, journey planning, using travel timetables, road safety whilst building your confidence and self esteem.
Why Lift? Lift enables young people to access education, training and employment, Improves life opportunities, reduces isolation, raises confidence levels and improves safety.
Lift is funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and as long as you are:
- Being above year 8 at school;
- Aged between 16-25 accessing post-16 education;
- Having an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)/identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND); and
- Having/being entitled to transport assistance under the Council’s Transport Assistance Policy in order to access school/college.
You can contact Nicky Patel at [email protected] or 07592 381401 or [email protected]