All to often Carers can feel sometimes overwhelmed and may not look after themselves properly, so this programme aims to support carers to do just this.
Healthy You look at the carers day to day routine, then agree to set goals to work towards, these can be to improve nutrition, move more or help with mental well being.
They look to encourage carers to think about themselves because without them where would their loved one be? i
It is not selfish but selfless and one of the most important things you can do – is to be healthy.
This programme consists of 6 – 8 sessions, 1:1 over the telephone or at Caring Together hubs across Cambridgeshire. They then follow up with a 6 month session and a 12 month session.
Come and join the programme and take the first steps to start your journey of looking after you, make small sustainable changes that improve your wellbeing.