Managed and supported by the specialist knowledge of Carers UK, Employers for Carers (EfC) has evolved from a pioneering group of employers committed to working carers. Their key purpose is to ensure that employers have the support to retain and manage employees with caring responsibilities. Launched in 2009 as an employers’ membership forum, EfC now has over 130 member organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors. The total number of employees covered by member organisations is now above the 1.25 million mark. The number of working carers represented is likely to be in the region of 140,000. These carers can directly access support from both EfC and Carers UK. Examples of ways in which EfC supports member organisations includes:
- Raising awareness of caring and caring issues in the workplace, through lunch and learns and e-learning courses.
- Reviewing and ‘carer proofing’ current policies and practices.
- Identifying and engaging with carers in the workplace.
- Developing, supporting and managing staff carer networks.
- Training and supporting line managers to implement carer friendly policies.
- Signposting employees to sources of workplace and external support.
- Providing opportunities to network with, and learn from, other employers at regular member events.