Access to the right information and support when you need it makes being a carer more manageable. There are lots of good groups, services, and support available in Cambridgeshire but not everyone knows what is out there or how to access it. Community Navigators is your local gateway to information and services and free for all adults in Cambridgeshire.
You might just need a simple contact number, or you may need to talk about your circumstances, consider your options, and decide what to tackle first.
If you’re experiencing low mood or worry and need some help to move forward, their wellbeing service offers one-to-one support to boost your mood and confidence to take those first steps.
Fenland 01354 695208 [email protected]
Huntingdonshire 01480 775493 [email protected]
East Cambridgeshire 01353 659639 [email protected]
Cambridge City 01223 300460 [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire 01954 212100 [email protected]