The adult early help team have been in place since April 2016 and receive all requests for social care and support for anyone over the age of 18. The team consists of social workers, occupational therapists and coordinators from a variety of backgrounds. They offer support and advice to those looking for support and also to families and carers. Through telephone calls, or home visits where required, a strength-based approach is used to understand and appreciate an individual’s concerns, interests, aspirations and goals. Existing networks of family, friends and wider community support are explored. A plan is developed focusing on what the individual can do for themselves, the provision of information and advice, equipment (occupational therapy and assistive technology), short term enablement, voluntary sector support etc. Where long term social care is required, their conversation forms the start of the assessment process. The adult early help team will:
- Support people and their carers throughout Cambridgeshire to improve wellbeing, maintain independence and create sustainable long term solutions.
- Enable carers to continue to fulfil their caring role by focusing on their wellbeing and own support needs.
- Help people to access local universal and voluntary sector services.
- Provide professional advice to carers and organise help, signpost to sources of information and seek to resolve issues without the need for a formal assessment or care plan.
- Follow up after two to three weeks to establish whether the support has helped and outcomes have been met.