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This is me leaflet for people with dementia, delirium or other communication difficulties
13 October 2021
A person who has dementia, delirium or other communication difficulties can find changes, like moving to an unfamiliar place or meeting new people who contribute to their care, unsettling or distressing. The ‘This is me’ leaflet can help to reduce this distress. It helps health and social care professionals build a better understanding of who […]
Survey of Adult Carers in England 2021-22
13 October 2021
The survey of adult carers in England 2021-22 is being held. We would encourage any carer who is asked to complete the survey to do so as this is a valuable way of the situations and needs of carers being understood. The survey is for adults (aged 18 and over) who have been informal carers […]
Fundraisers walking challenge to help carers
13 October 2021
Five members of the Caring Together team have walked 21 miles across the peaks of Yorkshire to raise money for carers. Our staff know first-hand from their work and also often from their own personal experiences of caring for family or friends, how crucial it is that carers are able to access the support they […]
Heather Avenue Infant School earns the Carer Friendly Tick Award
8 October 2021
Heather Avenue Infant School, Norwich, has been awarded Caring Together’s Carer Friendly Tick Award – Education, in recognition of their work to identify and support carers. The school commented, “We are delighted to have been awarded the Carer Friendly Tick Award. It is so important to us to get to know our young carers and […]
Calista runs London to help carers
8 October 2021
On Sunday Calista completed the Virgin Money London Marathon to raise money to help carers. We caught up with Calista to find out more about her day, and you can still donate to support her fundraising to enable us to do more to help carers at uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CalistaStrange Calista clearly had an amazing day and we […]
Congratulations to our raffle winners
8 October 2021
We are delighted to announce the prize winners from our first ever summer raffle and want to say a huge thank you to everyone who bought and sold tickets. We raised more than £2300 and thank you to the people who generously made a donation as well as buying tickets. Fundraising manager Nicky Newton said, […]
Help ensure carers are properly recognised in the Health and Care Bill
7 October 2021
We need your help. Young carers have been left out of the recent Health and Care Bill which is currently making its way through Parliament. We also want to ensure all carers are fully recognised by the Bill so that they are properly identified and supported as early as possible in their caring journey. Alongside […]
Libraries week – how we have been working with Cambridgeshire Libraries
6 October 2021
This week is libraries week. At Caring Together we would like to thank Cambridgeshire Libraries for how they have been working with us. They have a fantastic health information directory – including physical health, mental health, care and support, healthy living and more – that we have been able to make carers aware of. You […]
Do you have or care for someone who has long COVID?
6 October 2021
You can use your experience of living with or caring for someone long-COVID to help improve services for others by joining an NHS steering group to help with developing a long-COVID service. The NHS want the service to be easy to access and meet the needs of all patients – so need your input to […]
Helping carers stay connected
1 October 2021
We at Caring Together have teamed up with Sparko TV, to bring its innovative solution to carers in and around Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. Sparko helps people who are looking after a family member or friend to get involved with their local community, make new friends, enjoy a range of bespoke activities and signposts to services, […]