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Caring Together carer council
16 February 2022
Steve Acklam shares his experience of being a carer and how you can join the carer council to make a difference. If you are interested, or would like to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact Steve, chair of the carer council, at [email protected] I can’t speak for the many, many other carers looking after […]
Young carers – give your views for House of Lords meeting
15 February 2022
Caring Together and Barnardo’s are arranging a meeting between young carers and members of the House of Lords. This meeting on Monday 21 February is part of our work to ensure young carers are recognised in the Health and Care Bill. We want insights from young carers about how and when they were identified for […]
Carers Trust survey shows over 90% of adult carers feel ignored by the Government
14 February 2022
Findings from a new Carers Trust survey provide alarming evidence of a deep-rooted failure by successive governments to understand and meet the basic support needs of millions of people struggling to provide unpaid care for a family member or friend. There is a near total sense among survey respondents of feeling abandoned by Government over […]
Government letter so carers can avoid long queues for boosters
20 December 2021
The Government has taken steps to ensure carers, who look after a family member or friend, can use a specific letter to identify themselves to gain priority for the booster jabs for COVID-19, if there are long queues. If you are going to be going for a booster and are concerned about having to queue […]
Young Carers Alliance
14 December 2021
[UPDATE To find out the latest news and information, and updates about the Young Carers Alliance please click here] More than five years on from the introduction of formal rights for young carers, and young adult carers, thousands of children and young people are still being negatively affected by the impact of their caring responsibilities. […]
Research about young adult carers living with a parent with a mental illness
14 December 2021
Young adult carers, aged between 16 and 24, are being invited to take part in an interview for a research study looking at how they feel about school. This study is part of a PhD project which is being done at Northumbria University. The PhD is aiming to get a better understanding of whether or […]
Parent carer wellbeing survey – could you share your experiences
13 December 2021
If you care for a child with a disability or long-term illness, you are being invited to take part in a parent carer wellbeing study. Funded by National Institute for Health Research this study is being carried out by researchers from the University of Exeter, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and the University of Southern […]
‘What Good Looks Like’ – have your say
13 December 2021
The government wants to improve the lives of people with a learning disability and with autism. This work is called, ‘Building the Right Support’. Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and the Local Government Association’s Research and Information team want your help to find out what people in our communities think good support looks like. […]
Give your views – Who helps you in your caring role?
10 December 2021
We know people looking after family members or friends receive help and support from people all around. This help might be, for example, a sister helping with shopping, a brother with general maintenance of the house/garden, sons helping take you to and from health appointments, neighbours popping in to say hello, and many other people […]
Give your views on information videos
10 December 2021
The integrated care system* for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is looking at using the following videos to explain Personal Care Plans and would like your views on these. They have asked Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations to gather feedback. You can give your answers to the following questions: Do these videos offer information that is supportive […]