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Carers breaks in Norfolk
10 September 2020
We are pleased to now be working with Carers Matter Norfolk to be offering breaks for carers in Norfolk. Carer breaks provide a personalised, flexible break from caring. A break should make a positive difference to you as a carer in one of the following ways: Improving your physical and emotional wellbeing More opportunities for […]
Caring for a family member with severe learning disabilities
4 September 2020
Are you caring for a family member with severe learning disabilities who displays challenging behaviour? Would you like to connect with other family carers in similar situations? If so The Challenging Behaviour Foundation are running carer catch ups hosted on Zoom which are suitable for you! The first meeting date is below, these will then […]
Grant support available to families on lower incomes
28 August 2020
Family Fund has received extra funding worth £10 million from the Department for Education to provide grants for families on low incomes raising disabled or seriously ill children in England this year. This emergency funding has been provided in response to the crisis presented by the Coronavirus pandemic and will help more parents and carers […]
Just One Norfolk – return to school resources
28 August 2020
If you are a carer who has children returning to school there are resources for you on the Just One Norfolk website. The has resources for families about subjects such as Norfolk track and trace, starting school, returning to school during COVD-19 and more. You can watch videos, read information, try quizzes to help you […]
Helping carers with back pain
28 August 2020
You may have seen or been involved in some of the free online exercise classes Don’t Tone Alone CIC offered to unpaid carers from May 2020. Over this time period Don’t Tone Alone CIC was also able to reach out to carers who have benefitted from their services, and check in with their well-being. Listening […]
National Autistic Society – guide for parents on the return to school
28 August 2020
The National Autistic Society have provided information for parents as they prepare their child for the transition back to school. You can view this at www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/coronavirus/education-and-schools/guidance/a-guide-for-parents. There are also other resources in the section at www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/coronavirus/education-and-schools/guidance If you are a teacher you may also want to see www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/coronavirus/education-and-schools/guidance/a-guide-for-teachers
Support for carers with applying for college, university or a job
25 August 2020
If you are a carer aged 16+ (a young adult carer) who is looking at applying to go to college or university, or thinking about writing up your CV ready for job applications we are able to link you in to mentoring scheme. This scheme that is being offered through Carers Trust in partnership with […]
Return to school – helping young carers
25 August 2020
The Children’s Society and Carers Trust are sharing a straightforward, no nonsense guide for schools to help with young carers returning to school They hope the advice and guidance this resource offer will help minimise the impact of Covid lockdown on a student young carer’s ability and motivation to reintegrate into full time education. Click […]
Music for people living with dementia
13 August 2020
Did you know? Listening to music promotes wellbeing and connections for people living with dementia. If the person you look after has dementia you can tune in to m4d Radio. This is a new internet radio station playing advertisement-free music 24 hours a day. There are five stations. You can pick your era and enjoy […]
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire want to hear about your experiences
13 August 2020
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire are wanting to hear the views of carers and the people they look after on their experiences of health and social care during the coronavirus crisis. They will share what you tell them with the people planning the local and national response to the pandemic. And this will help them protect everyone’s health […]