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Census 2021 – take your opportunity
3 February 2021
It is hugely important that the voices of carers, people looking after family members and friends, are heard and that the importance of their role is understood. This year gives a very important opportunity for the number of carers, and their situations to be officially recognised. Census 2021 inform decisions on services that shape our […]
Walk your walk to help carers to attend COVID-19 vaccinations
1 February 2021
We providing free and tailored support for people looking after a family member or friend, so they and the person they care for can get to their appointment for the COVID-19 vaccination. And we are inviting you to walk your walk for carers this March to raise money so that they can continue to provide […]
Meeting online to support carers
28 January 2021
At Caring Together we are still supporting carers, we have just changed how we meet you. Restrictions due to coronavirus and the situations facing many carers, and the people they look after, mean we are not out about in the communities in the usual way. But we are still here to meet people using online […]
Being recognised as a carer – carers card
22 January 2021
It has always been valuable for people looking after a family member or friend to be identified as a carer. The government restrictions in place due to coronavirus recognise the need for carers to be able to carry out tasks, such as shopping and collecting medication, for the people they look after, so being able […]
Molly’s a community hero with Norwich City
21 January 2021
We are delighted that this week young adult carer Molly Brown has been recognised as a community hero by Norwich City Football Club and Fosters Solicitors. Molly, 18, is a young adult carer for both her dad and grandad, and she has also cared for her uncle. Norwich City highlighted Molly’s amazing contribution by making […]
Caring Together providing free support for carers to attend COVID-19 vaccinations
12 January 2021
We are providing tailored support to help people looking after a family member or friend, so they and the person they care for can get to their appointment for the coronavirus vaccination. Miriam Martin, Caring Together chief executive, said, “It is important that people who are elderly, have health conditions or play essential roles in […]
Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough – support available
8 January 2021
In response to the latest government rules, Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough have updated their guide to their service provision. Due to the current restrictions some services have been modified or are not available, but a wide range of support is still available. You can read full details on the current situations with regards to […]
Caring Together support for carers to attend COVID-19 vaccinations
4 January 2021
At Caring Together we know how important it is that people looking after a family member or friend get the coronavirus vaccination. We also know it can be very difficult for carers* and those they care for to be able to go to appointments for a range of reasons. This could be due to transport, […]
Digital transformation – putting people at the centre of what we do
11 December 2020
At Caring Together we provide information and advice, run services in our local communities and campaign so that carers have choices. In 2018 we recognised that, to help and support carers and the people they care for in the ways we wanted to, we needed to change. The systems we had at that time meant […]
Caring Together volunteer recognised by Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire
10 December 2020
One of Caring Together’s team of volunteers, Rylan Ray, who was a young carer and now contributed to Caring Together as a volunteer, has received personal congratulations from Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Mrs Julie Spence OBE QPM DL in recognition of his years of dedicated charity work. In the card she wrote, “As Her Majesty […]