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Young Carers Action Day – Sienna’s story
9 March 2021
This year’s Young Carers Action Day has the theme of protecting young carers’ futures. We have been speaking to young carers and young adult carers to find out more about how their caring roles affect their lives, and what they believe the future should hold for them and other carers. Sienna spoke to us about […]
Young Carers Action Day – Lynne’s story
9 March 2021
Tuesday 16 March is Young Carers Action Day. And ahead of the day a survey and series of interviews have looked into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Between now and Young Carers Action Day we will be sharing interviews with young carers and young adult carers where they give their stories about the impact […]
Young Carers Action Day – protecting young carers’ futures
9 March 2021
Tuesday 16 March is Young Carers Action Day. And ahead of the day a survey and series of interviews have looked into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Between now and Young Carers Action Day we will be sharing interviews with young carers and young adult carers where they give their stories about the impact […]
Centre 33 to introduce Young Carers Advisory Board
8 March 2021
Young Carers Action Day, previously known as Young Carers Awareness Day, takes place every year to raise awareness of young carers and the wonderful things they do for their families and loved ones and the amazing impact this has on their communities. This year the focus of the day is “Protecting young carers futures.” It […]
Carers COVID-19 vaccinations
8 March 2021
Whether you are in Norfolk, or Cambridgeshire and Peterborough details of how carers are able to get their COVID-19 vaccination are now available. Please also see below about how we are able to help carers to get to their COVID-19 vaccination appointments. In line with national guidance, appointments for COVID-19 vaccination are now being offered to […]
Parent carers – give your views
2 March 2021
If you are a parent carer, looking after your child with any form of additional care needs (whether due to illness, disability, mental health challenges or any form of additional care need) you have opportunities to give your views. In Norfolk Caring Together, Family Voice Norfolk, SENsational families and Norfolk County Council are working with […]
Help available for people looking after family members or friends
12 February 2021
Looking after someone can be very demanding. It can impact your physical and mental health, and you may face significant practical challenges. If you are a carer reaching crisis point it has a significant impact on you, and can also affect the person you care for. At Caring Together we are here to help. We […]
Our upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers
5 February 2021
At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]
Get ready for Young Carers Action Day – Tuesday 16 March 2021
5 February 2021
Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) is an annual event all about young carers, and now also young adult carers. It was formerly known as Young Carers Awareness Day. Young Carers Action Day is an opportunity to make real changes for young carers and young adult carers. This year’s theme is ‘Protecting young carers’ futures’ – […]
Update for young and young adult carers
4 February 2021
We have a lot of opportunities for young carers and young adult carers coming up. See below for details. And for a full list of the events and activities we have coming up please click here. Win vouchers in our young carers and young adult carers survey Ahead of Young Carers Action Day we have […]