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Carers Week – Making caring visible and valued – Wymondham High Academy
1 June 2021
Carers Week this year has the theme of ‘make caring visible and valued’. Our Carer Friendly Tick Awards are given to organisations that have standards in place to identify and support carers. With Carers Week from 7 – 13 June we have asked people from some of the organisations who hold the Carer Friendly Tick […]
Carers Week – Making caring visible and valued – MTM Youth Services CIC
1 June 2021
Carers Week this year has the theme of ‘make caring visible and valued’. Our Carer Friendly Tick Awards are given to organisations that have standards in place to identify and support carers. With Carers Week from 7 – 13 June we have asked people from some of the organisations who hold the Carer Friendly Tick Award […]
Carers Week – Making caring visible and valued – Hellesdon High School
1 June 2021
Carers Week this year has the theme of make caring visible and valued. Our Carer Friendly Tick Awards are given to organisations that have standards in place to identify and support carers. With Carers Week from 7 – 13 June we have asked people from some of the organisations who hold the Carer Friendly Tick Award […]
Norfolk and Waveney Hospitals conference for carers and hospital professionals
31 May 2021
A Carers Week conference with sessions for both carers and hospital professionals is to be held on Wednesday 9 June. And the sessions will be in line with the theme of Carers Week – making caring visible and valued. From 10am – 12pm there will be the session for carers to hear about ongoing work […]
Carer Friendly Tick Award workshop – making your organisation carer friendly
30 May 2021
This Carers Week we will be holding an event specifically for people from organisations that are already working towards the Carer Friendly Tick Award. The Carer Friendly Tick Award – Education was first developed by young carers as part of our Norfolk Young Carers Forum project and has now grown to cover Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and […]
Carers UK campaign for breaks for carers
29 May 2021
Ahead of Carers Week 2021, Carers UK have launched a new campaign to highlight the urgent need for carers to be better supported to take breaks from their caring responsibilities. Millions of carers have gone to extraordinary lengths over the past year to look after and support those they care for, with many caring around […]
Young carers events for Carers Week (coming sooner than you may think)
28 May 2021
This year Carers Week from 7 – 13 June has the theme of make caring visible and valued. One of the ways we show that we recognise and value carers year round is by holding events for young carers and young adult carers. With Carers Week this year coming a week after half-term we have […]
Next steps for support of parent carers in Norfolk
27 May 2021
If you are a parent carer in Norfolk we would like to invite you to an event we are holding for you during Carers Week – on Tuesday 8 June from 1.00pm-2.30pm (to be held on Zoom). Earlier this year, we listened to parent carers to hear how they are coping with their caring responsibilities […]
Our musical Volunteers’ Week ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers
27 May 2021
As part of Volunteers’ Week we are looking at the role of our volunteers and celebrating their contributions – how their work benefits carers looking after a family member or friend, and how they also benefit from their roles. We always love to find new, different and personal ways to thank our volunteers, and to […]
Who cares campaign – young carers’ views wanted
21 May 2021
The Who Cares Campaign is dedicated to improving services for young carers across the UK. As part of this they are looking to consult with young carers, young adult carers and service providers across the UK. The findings from the surveys* will help them shape their policies and better understand what needs to change. You […]