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Healthy You social media image

Support to take small steps to a healthier you

29 June 2021

If you look after a family member or friend, it can be hard to make it a priority to take good care of yourself. And the thought of  changes may seem daunting. Healthy You has a new ‘pilot’ carers health trainer service for carers living in East, South and City areas of Cambridgeshire the aim […]

Circus Starr visit - family 2

Families with young carers given a break with a circus visit

18 June 2021

This week we were able to take a group of families with young carers to Circus Starr when the circus came to Norwich. And the break this gave, particularly to the young carers was really appreciated. One parent told us, “I just wanted to message and say thank you so much for the circus tickets. […]

Amazon Smile logo

Are you an Amazon Prime member? Help us get double donations

18 June 2021

Amazon Prime Day is this year on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 June. And on these days AmazonSmile is giving increased donations on eligible purchases made by Amazon Prime members. Double donations for Prime members – no extra cost to you AmazonSmile will donate 1% (2x the usual donation rate) of the net purchase price […]


Resources from our parent carers event in Norfolk

11 June 2021

During Carers Week 2021 we held a session for parent carers in Norfolk. This included sharing the findings of a survey of parent carers on their experiences and priorities. Then a session where people could discuss the next steps needed. You can view a video of this session below. The PowerPoint slides can also be […]

PPE kit

Free PPE for carers

9 June 2021

If you provide personal care for a friend or family member you are now eligible for free PPE (personal protective equipment). If you are caring for somebody (particularly if they are not in your household), you might want to consider using PPE to protect yourself and the person you are caring for. A carer is […]

Thank you picture

Our thank you to everyone who supports our work

7 June 2021

At Caring Together we provide information and advice, run services in our local communities and campaign so that carers have choices. We can’t do that without your help, and with the contributions of so many people we are able to do so much more to help carers. Please see below a video we have put […]

COVID response

How you can show how you value carers this carers week

3 June 2021

This year’s Carers Week from 7 – 13 June has the theme ‘make caring visible and valued’. You can show how you value carers and the incredible contribution to our communities they make by looking after a family member or friend by donating to help us to support more carers on our Virgin Money Giving […]

Carers Week logo

Carers Week – how you can make caring visible and valued

3 June 2021

This year’s Carers Week is being held from 7 – 13 June. We are asking you to take a moment to help ensure those people looking after a family member or friend are visible and valued. Caring Together chief executive Miriam Martin said, “Every year Carers Week gives a fantastic opportunity for people to become […]

DISH Carer Friendly Tick Awards (x 2)

Carers Week – Making caring visible and valued – Disability Huntingdonshire

2 June 2021

Carers Week this year has the theme of ‘make caring visible and valued’. Our Carer Friendly Tick Awards are given to organisations that have standards in place to identify and support carers. With Carers Week from 7–13 June we have asked people from some of the organisations who hold the Carer Friendly Tick Award to tell […]

Ormiston Venture Academy - video

Carers Week – Making caring visible and valued – Ormiston Venture Academy

2 June 2021

Carers Week this year has the theme of ‘make caring visible and valued’. Our Carer Friendly Tick Awards are given to organisations that have standards in place to identify and support carers. With Carers Week from 7 – 13 June we have asked people from some of the organisations who hold the Carer Friendly Tick […]