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Invitation to AGM of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group
9 September 2021
You are invited to attend the first Annual General Meeting of NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group which will take place virtually at 12 noon on Tuesday 28 September. Joining instructions will be sent to you nearer the time and will also be available on their website at www.norfolkandwaveneyccg.nhs.uk About NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical […]
Support for you after your caring role
7 September 2021
We want to ensure carers know we are here to help when their caring role is coming to an end. As part of this we want to improve the information we have on our website for people who are facing a change to their caring role, including because the person they care for has passed […]
Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers
7 September 2021
At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]
Upcoming activities for adult carers
7 September 2021
At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for adult carers. As well as digital group meetings we are also now starting to have face-to-face meetings. You can click here to read more about our virtual hubs and see below for details of sessions available. Thursday 9 September 2021 –10am-11am – Shelford hub (virtual) […]
Personalised support for you to be healthier
6 September 2021
For people looking after a family member or friend, it can be hard to make it a priority to take good care of themselves. And it may also seem daunting to start to make changes. But if you are a carer, taking some small steps to being healthier can make a big difference to you […]
Calista’s marathon effort to help carers
6 September 2021
At Caring Together we can’t do what we do to support carers without the support of people like you. Whether it is a donation, volunteering, organising a coffee morning or something more energetic having you give your support means we can do more to help people looking after family members or friends. That is why […]
Three months free Sparko TV, helping carers stay connected
6 September 2021
We at Caring Together have teamed up with Sparko TV, to bring its innovative solution to carers in and around Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. Sparko helps people who are looking after a family member or friend to get involved with their local community, make new friends, enjoy a range of bespoke activities and signposts to services, […]
Caring Together a finalist in the 2021 HSJ Awards
24 August 2021
We are delighted to announce that our work to create carer-friendly communities for young carers in Norfolk has been shortlisted for the ‘System Led Support for Carers’ award at the HSJ Awards 2021, recognising the project’s outstanding contribution to supporting the health of carers – in what has been an exceptional and challenging period across […]
Cambridgeshire County Council Reablement Service recognised with Carer Friendly Tick Award
18 August 2021
Cambridgeshire County Council Reablement Service has been awarded Caring Together’s Carer Friendly Tick Award – Communities, in recognition of their work to identify and support carers. And their team members have spoken of why they believe it is so important to identify and support carers. Their comments have included: “Carers often say to me ‘I […]
Hear Me, See Me campaign
17 August 2021
Autism Bedfordshire are launching Hear Me, See Me, a campaign to examine the inequalities in health care that impact adults with autism and their families. Their campaign covers the East of England including Norfolk. Over the next 18 months they will be listening to the experiences of adults, family members and carers from across the […]