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Music therapy – Are you caring for someone with dementia?

12 December 2023

A research team from Anglia Ruskin University are looking for people to participate in a focus group. They are interested in peoples’ experiences of staying on a dementia care ward and would like to speak to people living with dementia, their relatives or carers. They are particularly interested in techniques used to prevent or alleviate distress, […]

Carer voice and involvement

Carer Council – ensuring your voices are heard

1 December 2023

Caring Together’s Carer Council is an important part of carers having their voices heard in how Caring Together works, and further afield. We want to bring you up to date on the latest meeting – and to let you know how you can give views to Caring Together and the council. An important way you […]

Christmas picture

Caring for you this Christmas

30 November 2023

If you are looking after someone this Christmas and New Year, make sure you have the help you need. Planning ahead and knowing where to go for support will help you and the person you care for. While opening hours of some services, including our helpline, are different during Christmas and New Year, if you […]

Student at computer

How do unpaid carers engage with information on health?

27 November 2023

Cancer Research UK is looking to understand how unpaid carers engage with health information for those they care for, to help reduce their risk of cancer and get an earlier cancer diagnosis. They are holding focus groups to explore if and how unpaid carers find and use relevant health information and whether further resources are […]


Read about caring during Christmas and New Year

17 November 2023

The festive period can bring some precious times. It can also be demanding and exhausting. Everyone’s Christmas is different, but in the latest edition of Caring magazine we have ideas for making your life as a carer a little easier. You can download your copy and turn to page 10 and 11 to learn more Caring […]

Young carers deliver letter to 10 Downing Street

Report reveals huge impacts of being a young carer

15 November 2023

The first ever parliamentary inquiry into young and young adult carers has revealed a lack of support is having a devastating impact on their education, wellbeing and future prospects. And a Norfolk MP and young carer have been among those calling for action. An inquiry by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Young Carers and […]

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire logo2

Share your experiences of healthcare services

9 November 2023

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have launched a survey on 1 November 2023 to gather people’s experiences of accessing Primary Care services, such as GP services. This survey, which will be open until 17 December 2023 is being conducted independently by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough with the support of NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough […]

Together we can act so unpaid carers get the support they need

You can act to help unpaid carers

3 November 2023

This month sees Carers Rights Day being held to raise awareness of the rights of unpaid carers. And we at Caring Together Charity are asking people to act so people looking after a family member or friend get the help that they need and deserve. Carers have a range of rights that can make a […]

Hot drink in winter

Self-care through winter and Christmas

1 November 2023

The winter and festive period can be stressful if you are looking after someone. And after the build up to Christmas, you may feel empty when it’s all over. Remember, you can contact us to ensure you are getting the support you need. These ideas might also help you (and you can also see our […]

Steady On Your Feet

Help to avoid falls

31 October 2023

Did you know that falls are one of the most common causes of injury in older people, but many are avoidable? Cambridgeshire County Council has launched an online fall risk checking tool to help you understand your risk of falling and simple steps you can take to stay active and independent. From the age of 65, […]