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Healthwatch Cambridgeshire logo

Carers invited to have their say in task and finish group

18 March 2021

Are you carer interested in having your say in community support? Healthwatch Cambridgeshire are running a task and finish group to discuss ‘Stay well this winter’ packs and to explore how this resource can be accessible to those with learning difficulties. Healthwatch will be including carer’s in the conversation. This work is being funded through […]


Don’t Tone Alone sessions for carers this spring

18 March 2021

Are you looking after a family member or friend and wanting some self-care, to keep fit and relax? You can spring into action with some gentle fitness activities? For carers looking for even more opportunities, Don’t Tone Alone offer online exercise classes for carers looking after a family member or friend. Based on carers’ feedback, […]


Preparing for adulthood online event

17 March 2021

Are you the parent carer of a young person or young adult? Would you like to meet with other parents / carers in similar situations to chat, off load and discuss what is working and what’s not? Pinpoint Cambridge would like to invite you to an online event where you can listen to guest speakers, […]


Parent carer online talk

17 March 2021

Family Voice Norfolk will be hosting an online talk for parent carers on Monday 22 March from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Are you a parent carer and would like to understand would support is available to you? Then come come along and join the talk. Email [email protected] to register for the event.


Call for MPs’ support for Young Carers Action Day

16 March 2021

Sir Ed Davey MP has set an Early Day Motion (EDM) for Young Carers Action Day. Please ask your MPs for your service, and/or your own MP, to sign the motion. MPs can sign anytime, including on or after Young Carers Action Day. If the MP cannot or will not sign the EDM, they can […]


Young carers walking 10,000 steps for #WalkYourWalk!

10 March 2021

A family who receives support from Caring Together are getting involved in #WalkYourWalk for carers, to help raise funds for carers across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk. We are providing free and tailored support for people looking after a family member or friend, so they and the person they care for can get to their appointment […]

COVID-19 vaccination

How we make a difference – Caring Together COVID vaccination support

10 March 2021

Raymond Lanham has praised the free support available from Caring Together in helping him get to his first Coronavirus vaccination We helped Raymond, from Ormesby Norfolk, travel to his appointment, he said he would have struggled to make the appointment on his own due to his mobility issues. We are providing free support for people looking […]


City of Norwich School awarded Carer Friendly Tick

10 March 2021

City of Norwich School has been awarded Caring Together’s Carer Friendly Tick Award – Education, in recognition of their work to identify and support young carers. Andy McGowan, head of carer services at Caring Together, said, “With three in five of us likely to be a carer at some stage in our lives we are […]


Census Day – 21 March 2021

9 March 2021

Census day on Sunday 21 March 2021 is fast approaching! It is hugely important that the voices of carers, people looking after family members and friends, are heard and that the importance of their role is understood. This year gives a very important opportunity for the number of carers, and their situations to be officially […]


Upcoming activities for young carers and young adult carers

9 March 2021

At Caring Together we offer a range of activities for young carers and young adult carers. These include sessions where you can socialise and get to know other carers who are your age, have some fun, develop new skills and make contributions to ‘carer voice’ work – your chance to raise awareness of carers and […]