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3 in 5 of us will become a carer at some point during our lives and it often happens suddenly, without warning. Although unpaid carers often willingly take on this role to help someone they love, it can be extremely demanding. Unsupported carers can find themselves isolated, exhausted, overwhelmed, unaware of their rights, and lost in a maze of organisations and systems as they try to get help for the person they care for.

This is what we, as a charity, are here to change.

“I completely broke down” – Annie’s story

Annie cares for her partner, Ian who suffers from constant pain and lack of mobility due to severe back problems. He also suffers with angina following a heart attack. On a daily basis Annie, 65, manages Ian’s medication, helps him get washed and dressed, cooks for him, and manages all the household tasks. Having had to give up work to care for Ian. she was finding this very tiring and felt isolated and depressed.

“I got to the point on one particular day that I was physically pulling my hair out and I completely broke down. The doctor said to come round when I called her and she was the one who said I need support and that’s when I heard about Caring Together and other support that was available.”

Annie is now receiving support from our helpline and feels much more able to cope. She remembers the first time she called our helpline.

“The first time I spoke to Debbie (one of our helpline advisers) was the first time that I realised there is a person here who actually understands this and is listening.”

Donations and fundraising enable us to support people like Annie. It makes a world of difference.

Ways you can make a difference

We also have other ways you can play your part in helping carers:

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Companies and organisations

Find out how your organisation can help us and promote carers awareness

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Carer Friendly Tick Award

Our Carer Friendly Tick Award recognises organisations who work to identify and support carers.

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