GP resources

Welcome to Caring Together Charity. Our vision is a world with no unpaid carer in crisis, isolated or struggling alone. Join us in working to make this vision a reality for people who are looking after a family member or friend.

Our resources are free for you to order, download or share.

Tick Order leaflets and posters.

Tick Download digital resources.

Tick Get slides for your waiting area information screens:

Tick Download the 1-slide version

Tick Download the 2-slide version

Tick Download the 3-slide version

Tick View our poster highlighting the support available.

Please do contact us at [email protected] if you have any queries about these resources.


Training and support

Caring Together Charity can provide training and support so that you and your team become more carer aware, helping carers get the vital support they need much earlier.

You may be able to benefit from tailored online workshops and meetings to equip you and your team. Some of this training is free of charge, although there may be a waiting list.

Tick Find out how to achieve our Carer Friendly Tick Award.

Tick See how to contact us about awareness training and more.

Tick See our Carer Friendly Tick Award Hall of Fame


What can we offer your patients?

From carer identity cards to someone to talk to. Those referred to us may benefit from a range of services available.

Tick Free advice line

Tick Carer days out

Tick Carers hubs

Tick Counselling service

Tick Emergency support

Tick Homecare


Keeping in touch

We offer a free subscription to our magazine and email newsletters providing information, guidance and support for those looking after someone, whether they’re caring for a loved one now or may do so in the future.

You may also be interested in reading the latest news from Caring Together Charity.

Who is an unpaid carer?

A carer is any of us who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without our support.

Three in five of us will care for someone in our lifetime. It normally takes two years for people to recognise themselves as being a carer.

Caring Together Charity is here to support unpaid carers of any age from the start of their journey and beyond.