Technology enabled care is Equipment and technology to help adults stay independent. An example is having a lifeline.
Some of the benefits of technology enabled care are:
- increasing independence and confidence
- managing or minimising risk
- supporting and reassuring family carers
- reducing the need for a care package
- preventing hospital admission
- supporting early hospital discharge
- delaying or preventing the need for residential care
What is the TEC team?
The TEC team at Peterborough City Council provides guidance, training and advice to citizens and professionals. If appropriate, the council can loan you assistive technology to support your independence and safety. They can also provide reassurance and support for family members. People are happier and healthier when they can remain as independent as possible in their communities. Their services:
- prevent, reduce and delay the need for formal care services
- support informal carers
- help communities build resilience
You can ask for a referral to the TEC Team by calling Peterborough City Council on 01733 747474.