The Ullswater Way Challenge – Every step counts for carers

29th September 23

Ullswater Way Challenge trainingOn Saturday 7 October a magnificent group of a dozen walkers will step out to complete the Ullswater Way Challenge – all to raise money for people looking after a family member or friend.

It might be the most beautiful lake in the Lake District they are heading for, but this hike is no walk in the park – it’s 20 miles of steep paths, boggy fells and rocky outcrops. Our intrepid team will need plenty of determination and blister plasters to get them through.

So why are they doing this? That’s easy to answer, for carers.

Jackie is part of our finance team. Through her work she hears about the impact of the work done by our charity, “I am amazed at the work we do for unpaid carers and my heart lies with the young carers; without funding we would not be able to continue the amazing work Caring Together does for them.”

She says when the going gets tough on the walk, knowing her efforts will make a difference to unpaid carers, and the support of her colleagues and friends alongside her will keep her going.

MaxMax from our digital team knows the challenges adult carers face, “my own parents are getting older, and it makes me think about what support I might need caring for a loved one.

“I may not be jumping out of a plane (and I never would!) but I know I can raise much needed funds by joining up with my friends and colleagues for a good long walk and a good natter!”

Lizzie And Lizzie our office and customer service manager, says, “I have seen first-hand how lives can be changed overnight and people don’t know how to navigate the system without some help.”

You don’t have to walk to support our group of walkers. You could join over 95 people who have already generously donated in support of the team’s effort. It’s quick and easy and every penny will help support carers.

Donate button

Or you can help by just talking about the work Caring Together does. You never know, you may encourage someone to pick up the phone and seek the support they need.

As Lizzie says, ‘By doing this walk we can hopefully raise some funds but also awareness for the great work Caring Together does’.

Good luck team, we’re with you every step of the way!

If you want to raise funds to help carers in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk please do contact us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.