Fitness Rush Community CIC

Fitness Rush Community

Unit 2, Grove Business Centre

Warboys Road

Old Hurst


PE28 3AG

United Kingdom

Fitness Rush Community provide private wellness solutions to those who prefer to exercise in privacy away from busier environments. Their facilities have been specifically created to become a safe haven for those caring for loved ones and friends.

They believe that everyone should get the chance to benefit from exercise, no matter their age, gender, ability or circumstance. And they recognise that carers are doing an amazing selfless act.

The mobile fitness facility delivers professional well-being support in communities through a non-judgemental training environment. Service users can expect to receive tailored exercise specifically designed for them, and a special weekly event to look forward to. Grant funding has been sought to enable all participants to receive free personal training and ongoing support.

If this is of interest to yourself or another individual, please get in touch to discover the opportunities.

Services: AdhaAlchohol drugsAutism spectrum disorderCancerDementiaDisabilityElderly frailLearning disabilityMental healthSensory impairmentStrokeCarers engagementTrainingCoverage: Cambridge CityEast CambridgeshireFenlandHuntingdonshireSouth CambridgeshirePeterborough