Thanking our mums, celebrating our mums, remembering our mums
Make Mother’s Day extra special this year by leaving a public dedication and supporting women who care.
- Leave a personal message
- Add a photo
- Send it to your mum or share it on social media
Every day across Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Peterborough tens of thousands of people dedicate many hours of their day to looking after a family member with a disability, long term illness or who is elderly and frail. The majority of these unpaid carers are women.
By leaving a Mother’s Day dedication and making a donation (donations are optional) you can help us support more women who are unpaid carers.
Click here to leave your message or dedication here.
You may want to thank your mum for the love and care she has shown you, or you may want remember a special mum or grandmother who is no longer with us.
Mum’s who carry an extra load – Kate’s story
Kate is a mum and cares for her son who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). She was also a carer for her now grown-up son who suffered a traumatic brain injury when he was struck by a bus. She is disabled herself. Read more of Kate’s story
Your donations will enable us to support unpaid carers like Kate through our helpline, social groups and hubs, counselling support, and providing breaks for carers.