Congratulations to carer Richard Cross at the East of England Care Awards

29th October 12

Congratulations to Richard Cross for winning the Unpaid Carer category at the East of England Care Awards! Richard will go forward to the National Finals where he will be up against winners from the other 8 regions.

Richard has cared for his wife for 22 years and has extensive experience as a service user of GP practices and carer services in his local area. In his Carer Ambassador role, Richard has been collaborating with Crossroads Care Cambridgeshire to support their GP Carers Prescription Service which aims to identify hidden carers and provide short breaks to carers when they need them. Richard has been focussing on contacting GP practices which have not yet taken up the service and has met with practice managers and other staff to explain the advantages of doing so.

Richard also has a key role in the Cambridgeshire County Council Carers Partnership Board.

See the Care awards website.